
How to Sign on to Kindle Devices with Two Step Verification (OTP) Active

Kindle Keyboard

How to bypass username & password errors and sign onto your Kindle with two-factor authentication turned on.

Older Kindles do not have a user interface that handles two-factor authentication, so a special procedure must be used for accounts that have two-step verification turned on.

Method 1 – The Amazon Suggested Kindle Login Method (Append OTP to Password)

Below, you will see Amazon’s suggested Kindle login method for devices that do not have a user interface that supports a separate prompt for the two-factor authentication code (OTP).

The steps are as follows:

  1. Sign in with your password. An error message will occur.
  2. An OTP may be sent to your phone, or you can use a OTP code from an TOTP authenticator app, like Google Authenticator or Authy.
  3. Add (“append”) the OTP to the end of your end of your password, and sign in again.
  4. You should see success! If not, try one of the other methods below.
Amazon’s suggested procedure

Method 2 – Turn off 2-Step Verification

If you cannot get the above process to work, you also have the option of temporarily disabling Two-Factor Authentication. Make sure the removal of OTP is temporary, as you do not want to leave your account unprotected. Also, if you are at significant risk of account breach, you should not attempt this procedure. Do this at your own risk.


Note that throughout this process you may face additional security prompts for two-step verification that are not listed below, such as clicking a link sent to your phone, or verifying your password again.

  1. Access your Amazon account.
  2. Choose “Login & Security”
  3. Under “2-step verification” choose “Turn off”
  4. Sign in on your Kindle device
    • Note that Amazon may send you an SMS code when you sign in that requires you to sign in the same prompt again, using only the code they send
  5. You should see success! If not, try one of the other methods after turning Two-Step verification back on.
  6. Go back to your Amazon account
  7. Choose “Login & Security”
  8. Under “2-step verification” choose “Turn off”
  9. Important: Go back to your Amazon account again
  10. Choose “Login & Security”
  11. Verify “2-step verification” is turned on

Method 3 – The Double Prompt

This method is not likely to work if the above two methods fail, but some people claim this works while allowing you to leave two-factor authentication on.

  1. Sign in with your password. An error message will occur.
  2. An OTP may be sent to your phone, or you can use a OTP code from an TOTP authenticator app, like Google Authenticator or Authy.
  3. Use the OTP as your password, and sign in again.
  4. You should see success! If not, try one of the other methods.

Method 4 – Buy a Newer Kindle

Newer Kindle devices may support two-factor authentication better than their older counterparts.

Shop Amazon for a newer Kindle device.

Newer Kindle with Two-Step Verification (OTP) Prompt

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