Cars are a typically a major expense in any western household. Often, people spend more on their car than they may need to. A car shouldn’t rule your family’s budget, it should be a tool for you to travel to work and play, taking as little out of your pocket as possible. I will show you how to do that.
I’d like to introduce the “Drive it Forever” series. This series will talk about how you can drive your car “forever” (or as long as possible). Many of these suggestions will also help you save gas, as your car will be better tuned and working more efficiently.
Here is a sampling of the topics we will cover:
- Top Tier Gasoline
- Motor Oil choice (synthetic/regular/etc)
- When to change your oil
- How to park your car
- What maintenance is really worth it
- Safety
- What you can do yourself, and what your mechanic should do